
I think before I recall my recent brownie making tale, I should describe my history with making brownies. So here we go..

Brownie Making Attempt 1 (3 years ago):

Definitely not successful, in fact it shouldn't really be classified as baking let alone a brownie making attempt. I distinctly remember measuring everything correctly, and then adding more flour because I decided the mixture looked too 'wet'.

Mistake number 1. Thinking I could do better than the recipe, leading onto
Mistake number 2. Too much flour.
Mistake number 3. Adding more eggs to make it the 'right consistency' after looking too 'floury'.

Result: I remember thinking, 'I wonder how this is going to turn out!', so to have it be edible was success in my eyes, even if it was tasteless. My two food critics thought that it was alright as a cake, but being my sister (who is bound to say good things) and a very hungry uni student, I am somewhat inclined to say there was some bias, even if the 'brownie' cake did eventually all get eaten.

Brownie Making Attempt 2 (1 month ago):

Thought it best to play it safe this time with Ghirardelli's Triple Chocolate Brownie Mix. You would have thought if a Costco Demonstrator could whip up a batch of brownies with minimal effort, then where could you possibly go wrong?! That my friend, is where it all goes down hill..or at least for me. I'm not even sure where I went wrong.. all you needed to add was water, oil and eggs!

I did grease-line the baking tray with butter instead of using the old greaseproof paper, and I must admit I misjudged the baking tray size. The baking tray did look like some very thin brownies would be coming out of the oven..

Mistake number 1. Greasing the baking tray (?)
Mistake number 2. Wrong sized baking tray/not using an additional brownie mix packet.

Quote: They're brownies? OH I thought they were cookies'

Result: A 'Brownie' cookie that you could just about eat immediately from the oven. Eating them two hours later..hello cement-like cookie, goodbye teeth!

1 comment:

  1. "i will do a mexican menu. ok so greek salad? oh no thats not mexican" :D
