
Muffin Maker Mei

To make up for being lazy, I am recalling a couple of baking stories before getting on with the Muffins...

1) Brownie Attempt 3. It looked like a brownie, it smelt like a brownie. HOWEVER, I could only call it a brownie 2 days after because I think it was a bit undercooked. Having said that, it was edible and definitely a success. I will be trying to bake brownies using another recipe to see if I can get a better result.

2) Chocolate and vanilla shortbread rolls. - Let's not even go there! Another case of not following the recipe. Taste tester quote after shoving a shortbread cookie in his mouth: Its like a dry wall blocking my mouth!

I should mention that the above two were make using the Green and Blacks Recipe book. I will be sticking to my Children's Baking Book from now on..

Muffin Attempts - Lemon and Blueberry

After a shaky start, and adding a few more minutes cooking time (I have yet to master the big fan oven) I am proud to call this best muffins made yet. The blueberries were not as sweet as I hoped, but this may be due to it being winter, or being bought from Waitrose instead of Tescos as per last time. The muffin itself was light and fluffy, and had a hint of lemon and blueberry but could definitely done with more lemon and sugar to create that taste bud explosion.

Conclusion: Call me Muffin Maker Mei from now on! Seriously though I need to try different blueberries, and add a smidge bit more of sugar. Also sort out the oven as half of the tray were looking amazing, and the rest rather anaemic!

p.s. A certain duck like friend made very good truffles today, probably on par with the muffins. I need to get cracking with perfecting these recipes otherwise title of pastry chef may be lost forever...


  1. Yay for the successful muffins. Your ultimate challenge is obviously choclate chip muffins.

    You still have my awesome cook book if I recall correctly so why don't you have a look in it for recipe ideas if Green and Blacks are failing you.

  2. I do believe you're supposed to include citations... :)
