
Victoria Sponge

Hello my TWO followers, oh yes, I know who you are ;-). Boy do I have a surprise for you, a guest post written by one of my readers which I have been requesting for a few weeks now, as well as a baking update from me.

Victoria Sponge:

The first cake was executed with as much precision as I could muster. I must admit I did make a tiny mistake (which I rectified!) but had not mentioned this at all during the all-important tasting period. Hmm, thinking about it my guinea pig tasters would be any wiser if I didn’t make this public knowledge. HOWEVER, this is a baking blog and I intend on being honest so this was the mistake: Instead of adding four eggs I added two to the mixture. I only realized this after putting the cake mixture into the cake tins and realizing that it was lacking in moisture. I then proceeded to beat the two missing eggs and mix this into the cake mixture. Not a pretty sight I can tell you, I lost all hope that this stage of the cake being a success. The other mistake I made (which was known at the time) was forgetting to oil the sides of the cake tins. At this point I decided to keep my fingers crossed and thanked god for ‘practice runs’.

The smell from the oven did a good job in masking my mistake(s), and actually you couldn’t have told the difference. The cakes smelt divine and were removed from the pans easily enough! With assistance from a Duck, the jam (Hartleys Rasberry) and Buttercream (I think it is worth mentioning the interesting sieving technique I saw here. Instead of shaking the sieve against one hand, I saw the art of pushing icing sugar through the sieve. Hilarious!). Finishing touches were made and the resulting cake eaten.


The second cake was made identically, the ‘learning from your mistakes’ somewhat worked when it came to the amount of eggs needed and the oiling the pan sides not so much. I was nervous as that cake smelt quite eggy, but was reminded that it was no different from the first attempt.

Result: I wish I could say something, but as I didn’t taste it due to being a present I can only go from the feedback received….No one died. Take that how you wish!

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